ACE it! Master
Certification Program

The unique certification program that brings the ingenuity of Design Thinking to Leadership, Coaching, and Talent Development

About this program

Design Thinking for Leadership, Coaching, and Talent Development.

Our signature top-notch program to become an expert in the ACE it! Method.
Eight online sessions over the course of four months.
Based on Design Thinking

Benefits and Take-Aways


Master our renowned ACE it! Method to quickly address and solve challenges and seize opportunities of all kinds.


Explore the concept of strength-based learning and hone your unique strengths.


Take several state-of-the-art assessments to better understand and apply your skills and preferences.


Practice the art of questioning, listening, and feedback.


Get a toolbox for immediate application to empower and engage your team or clients.


Learn from top coaches how to run 1:1 coaching sessions and leadership conversations bringing value and fun to your teams or clients.


Learn about best practices how to deal with change.


Get to know the Laws of Learning, our state-of-the-art insights about successful leadership, learning, and coaching.


Get our ACE it! Master Certification to boost your career.


Work and learn with an amazing and diverse group of people from around the world and enrich your network.


Experience four months of great insights and inspiration!

Laura Lewandowski
Entrepreneur, LinkedIn Top Voice, 30 under 30 Journalist

"The ACE it! program propelled myself and my business to new heights."

"In 2024, I completed the ACE it! Master Certification Program, propelling both myself and my business to new heights. This program, grounded in Design Thinking, is tailored to enhance problem-solving in everyday work scenarios. From optimizing teamwork efficiency to empowering teams to independently identify and solve issues, I acquired a comprehensive set of skills. Thank you for this unique experience!"

Read more about Laura's take-aways from the ACE it! Master Certification Program program in her newsletter "Smart Chiefs" (150k subscribers)

Mario Hempel
Head of Sales Internal Security & Business Director Bechtle

"Best training ever!"

"In my company, the ability to succeed by making others successful is gaining ground and is recognized as a necessary quality for managers. I have already been able to convince my team of the ACE it! approach in personal coaching, and ACE's have already become our second nature.

Also in my personal surroundings, I have recently acted as a valued coach in all walks of life. I am already looking forward to being able to apply my knowledge and methodology to the benefit of my clients in the post-epidemic period."

Charlotte Boujassy

"So much value and fun!"

"The ACE it! Master Certification Program was precisely what I needed: a ready-to-use, fresh, and innovative learning approach to help me get my job done even better. With each session, I added yet another method to my coaching toolbox which I could immediately apply with my teams. This helped me in a very pragmatic, practical way: I learned that I need to focus more on addressing the challenges we really need to tackle to avoid falling into the trap of jumping to solutions too fast. Every tool is an icebreaker and brings people together.

I've already applied key learnings from this program to virtual European projects and I'm excited to spread the use of this methodology to support our leaders to become great talent developers."

This program is for

  • Leaders and potential leaders of start-ups, international corporates, and family businesses who want to hone their leadership skills, foster great team-building, and spice up their company culture

  • Coaches, consultants, teachers, and mentors who want to include a new and highly effective talent development framework in their services, adding more value and fun

  • HR-Professionals who want to establish a high-growth performance culture in their organizations and drive their people´s career development


This Online Certification Program spans four months with two sessions per month (for 2,5 hours), in total eight sessions.

You will get the dates and links (Zoom) before the program. The sessions consist of short lectures, discussions, exercises, role plays, break-out teams, and role plays. You will be assigned to small learning teams to apply the insights and tools in between the sessions (1 hour "practice time").

You will also get access to our online study guide, which includes all of the materials and tools we cover.

Structure and Content


Modules 1 and 2
Introduction to the ACE it! Method and Framework to solve problems and learn
The ACE Process

Modules 3 and 4
Insights on Preferences and Strength-based Learning
Using Tools ("Best Work") and Assessments for Talent Development ("You at Your Best")

Modules 5 and 6
The Art of Questioning and Listening, The Art of Giving und Receiving Feedback
Motivation and Visualization, Tools and Application, e.g. "Wheel of Motivation"

Modules 7 and 8
The Power of Execution, Tools and Application, e.g. "The Arrow of Success"
Bottom Line: Making it work with Review, Wrap-up, Test, and Graduation

Magdalena Schwarz
Business Developer Health
T-Systems Austria

"There is no challenge that can't be solved."

"My biggest takeaway from the Certification Program is that learning is a process and that no matter what challenge you face, the solution is "in the room". It just needs to be found.

There is no challenge that cannot be solved. Anything is possible if you are ready for a change of perspective, which means be able to perceive your counterpart in a different context and being open minded for new ideas."

Tushaar Bhatt
Entrepreneur and Co-Founder

"Very effective as a team!"

"My co-founder and I were fortunate to take part in this program together. For us, it was beneficial to become even more effective as a team. One things stands out: the ACE Process. It has become a powerful standard process to solve complex challenges, both big and small. Whether it is a challenge which we are facing internally or a problem we want to solve with our customers, it is always a great tool.

From an operational or strategic point of view, this is one of the most valuable takeaways."

Dates and Fees

Next program: Nov. 2024 - Feb. 2025

Dates: Tuesdays 3:30 - 6 pm (CET)
Nov. 5, Nov. 19, Dec. 3, Dec. 17
Jan. 14, Jan. 28, Feb. 11, Feb. 25

All sessions will be recorded.
EUR 4,500 (+ VAT)
USD 4,900

Scholarships available

Why is the ACE it! Method so unique?

  • Focus on Learning

    The ACE it! Method goes deeper than many coaching and leadership programs. It focuses on the most important skill: learning and helping others learn and enabling them to solve their challenges and grow − personally and professionally.

  • Sustainable

    Talent comes, talent goes. You will help your organization develop a corporate core competency to bring out the very best in their teams while improving employee retention at the same time.

  • Design Thinking-based

    The ACE it! Method is the first framework and certification program that unleashes the ingenuity of Design Thinking specifically for learning, coaching, and talent development.

  • Engaging

    Much has been written about getting individuals and teams involved in idea creation. You will be able to use the ACE it! Method to ignite creative brainstorming, think outside the box, and find the best solutions for your challenges.

  • Ongoing

    Everything we know about effective learning tells us that it has to be permanent and forward-oriented. That is what this program is about. We will show you how to make room for ongoing dialogue, involvement, and feedback.

  • Customized

    You will be able to show your team or clients how to effectively solve problems and develop themselves and others by using the ACE Process, essential insights, and powerful tools.

  • State-of-the-art

    We know the latest techniques and coaching development practices. You will learn them in our program and turn into an expert user.

  • Bottom line

    With your learnings from this Certification Program, you will help your organization and clients to develop their talent and fix their workplace problems with engagement, commitment, and fun.

The ACE it! Master Certification Handbook

The new edition is out!

We're excited to showcase the new edition of our ACE it! Handbook that you will get with your certification. It includes all the material we cover with practical exercises, case studies, best practices, and a "toolbox" with plenty of ready-to-use tools, templates, and tips.

Why the ACE it! Method is critical for you, your clients, and your organization.

Use the power of Design Thinking to spur creativity, entrepreneurial thinking, and a growth mindset.

Learning and helping others learn have become the most critical skills in the 21st century. This also holds for unlearning and relearning things like knowledge, skills, habits, or even attitudes.

However, before we want our people to learn anything new, rethink their habits, embrace change, or hone their strengths, we must enable them to do so. The ACE it! Method will do just that. It is based on the principles of Design Thinking, a continuous innovation approach that is used by the world’s most successful companies to spur creativity, innovate, and improve products, processes, or business models. For example, the business model of Uber was developed using Design Thinking.

ACE it! is the first method and certification program that makes the ingenuity of Design Thinking specifically applicable for talent development, leadership, and coaching. It will help you unleash the full innovation and learning potential of your teams or coaching clients.

Download the program brochure


We look forward to welcoming you at the program!