We help people thrive.

At the Autoris Institute, we provide leadership development programs, conduct research and publish in the areas of leadership, coaching, and talent development.

We partner with start-ups, family businesses, SMEs, universities and business schools, VC and PE firms, not-for-profits, and corporations around the world. Among our clients are some of the world's most successful companies and business families.

Autoris was founded in 1999 by Prof. Matthias Ehrhardt. Since our inception, it has always been the same passion that drives us: to make scientific insights applicable and bring new perspectives to leadership, learning, and life.

Prof. Matthias Ehrhardt
Founder & CEO Autoris Institute

For over two decades, Matthias has served as an executive coach and facilitator for talent development, entrepreneurship, and leadership at multiple universities and companies. He works with startups, venture capital and private equity firms, family businesses, top business schools, and global corporations worldwide.

Furthermore, Matthias brings a wealth of experience in developing, investing in, restructuring, and expanding companies across media, training, manufacturing, and technology.

Verena Lauffs
Head of Autoris Academy
Facilitator and Coach

Verena, an experienced facilitator and coach, has spent years in various learning and talent development programs. Since 2016 at Autoris, she’s been instrumental in creating and teaching the Designing Talent and ACE it! Framework. With a teaching degree in languages, social studies, and psychology, Verena previously worked as a consultant in education and communications.

Her passion lies in collaborating globally, inspiring individuals and teams to thrive personally and professionally. She has worked with startups, large corporations, various organizations, institutions, and NGOs. She also serves as a career coach, helping her clients discover their unique strengths and navigate new career paths.
More about Rudolf
Rudolf Repgen
More about Emily
Emily Kennerley
More about Maks
Maks Giordano
More about Terry
Terry Chuah
More about Rachel
Rachel Coogan
More about Gonzague
Gonzague Dufour

The Autoris Academy

Here you grow.

At the Autoris Academy, we offer a comprehensive array of programs designed to address the most pertinent leaderhship and talent development needs of our clients.

Some of our signature programs are the ACE it! Master Certification, blending design thinking with leadership dynamics, our "Start with a Story" program that transforms storytelling into a powerful business tool, as well as our Innovation Week which offers an immersive journey through global innovation centers and prestigious institutions like Harvard and MIT.

We tailor each learning experience to foster engagement, ignite an entrepreneurial spirit, enhance teamwork, boost performance, and effectively manage conflict ensuring that our curriculum not only imparts the latest science but also embodies the practical, transformative skills essential for today's dynamic professional landscape.


We're passionate about starting research projects, both on our own and together with partners and fellows and we have established a global network of research fellows, leadership and talent development experts, and scientific partner organizations. Often, we're just curious or fascinated by different topics. But sometimes, these research ventures turn into programs that we offer to our clients.


At Autoris, we have always been deeply passionate about great writing and publications, making it a core part of our DNA.

We publish "The Times of Talent," an online newspaper where we cover an extensive range of topics, including leadership, coaching, and talent development.

The Times of Talent

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Autoris. We help people thrive.